10 Holiday Reflections to Ring in 2023

Here’s what I discovered

David Andrew Wiebe
6 min readJan 2, 2023
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Another year has come to an end.

For many, 2023 could not have come fast enough. Doubtless, there has been turmoil across the world, especially from 2020 to 2022.

Regardless of what might be going on outside, though, I have always made it my mission to go inside to better myself, and that includes plenty of thinking and reflection time, especially during the holiday season.

In this guide, I share 10 fresh holiday reflections to ring in 2023.

Past Reflections

I didn’t share my holiday reflections last year thinking the article would become so popular, but it seems I’ve found a pulse. Moving forward, I will be sharing my holiday reflections annually.

Here are my past reflections:

15 Holiday Reflections to Ring in 2022

1. You’ve Only Got 50 Opportunities Per Year

We all know there are 52 weeks in a year. If you produce weekly content (whether blog posts, podcast episodes, or videos), then you’ll have created 52 new opportunities to show up in front of your audience this year.



David Andrew Wiebe

Empowering independent artists to share their passion, build devoted fan bases, and turn creativity into income.