Content That Engages Vs. Content That Sells

The surprising truth

David Andrew Wiebe
3 min readMar 8, 2021
Photo by Sam McGhee on Unsplash

It pays to obsess over function rather than form. Literally. And that applies to content as much as it does to design.

Many entrepreneurs will find themselves creating content to grow their business.

But it’s altogether too easy to get caught up in trying to become a YouTuber than in showing up and serving your audience. And the two approaches lead to vastly different results.

Just because content engages doesn’t mean it generates sales. The two are often mutually exclusive.

Just because content engages doesn’t mean it generates sales. The two are often mutually exclusive. (Click To Tweet)

It’s easy to look at an Instagram influencer with thousands of likes on every post and think to yourself, “wow, they are killing it — I must be doing something wrong.”

But the reality is that many of these so-called influencers make aggressively mediocre money.

Your feelings might get hurt when your content doesn’t get engaged, but if it leads to results that show up on your P&L statement, you might begin to feel a little differently about the situation.



David Andrew Wiebe

Empowering independent artists to share their passion, build devoted fan bases, and turn creativity into income.