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Top 5 Social Networks to Watch in 2023
The good, the bad, the ugly, the disastrous
Trainwrecks and triumphs. Turnarounds and tragedies. Trickery and tribulation.
2023 is upon us, and a looming uncertainty is moderated with measured excitement.
In the social media space, it could go either way — upheaval, or just more of the same. But I’m honestly counting on the former, if nothing else, for a bit of entertainment, and let’s face it — the validation dopamine hit the kids are so irreversibly hooked on (if there is upheaval, some of my predictions will be proven right).
For good or for ill, the following social networks are the ones to watch in 2023.
My coach has been saying for years that LinkedIn is a killer platform for sharing video content, mainly because no one else is posting anything that interesting. Like moths to a flame, on LinkedIn, users are drawn to things that are even the slightest bit more interesting than corporate speak and head hunting.
Content marketing speaker, strategist, and entrepreneur Joe Pulizzi is very bullish on LinkedIn, so it seems like, years later, people are finally catching up to where my coach has been for ages.