Why it’s Critical to Know What Gives You Energy

Here’s Why the Hustle Doesn’t Work

David Andrew Wiebe


Why it’s Critical to Know What Gives You Energy
Photo by Mehrpouya H on Unsplash

From the mundane to the intensive, from bookkeeping to marketing strategy, being a self-employed is a balancing act at the best of times.

But after a while, the task load can start to weigh on you.

You probably didn’t get into business to respond to emails, answer the phone, and drop everything you’re doing to put out fires — figurative or literal. Yet, that’s what the day to day can often look like.

So, whatever happened to your passion? Wasn’t there a goal you were working towards? Has your to-do list reduced you to a mere slave?

What Entrepreneurs Often Forget

We forget why we’re doing what we’re doing in the first place.

I get that building an empire isn’t easy. Hell, I’ve probably failed just as much as anyone if not more. My business education (in plain language that means costly mistakes) has easily cost me over $100,000.

And I even get the gurus and entrepreneurs who say, “it was 12 hours per day, seven days per week for seven years,” or “you’ve got to work 80 hours per week for the next 10 years.”

I respect the hustle and grind…



David Andrew Wiebe

Empowering independent artists to share their passion, build devoted fan bases, and turn creativity into income.